Music connects

Julia Kilga plays the French horn in the Musikverein Dornbirn Rohrbach

We Vorarlbergers are generally considered to be somewhat reserved when it comes to making new friends, BUT we are also very active and passionate about participating in our clubs, volunteer work, and hobbies. The enthusiasm for a common cause connects us, SO here are some suggestions on how you can get to know us better:

Julia Kilga is a member of the Dornbirn Rohrbach Music Association and gives insights into club life:

What does your club do?

I am a member of the Dornbirn Rohrbach Music Association and play the French horn there. As the name suggests… we make music 🎵, ranging from symphonic music to modern genres.

How often do you meet?

We meet once a week for rehearsal, on Tuesdays from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Before the spring concert, the frequency usually increases to twice a week 😊. Throughout the year, we have various performances.

Why are you in this club? What was your best experience in the club?

Firstly, I am naturally interested in the musical aspect. I have been playing an instrument since elementary school, and playing in a group and working together on a program is simply more fun.

Secondly, I appreciate the social aspect of the music association. After rehearsals or performances, we usually sit or stand together. (Sometimes for quite a while…)

My best experience? The annual spring concert – including the intensive rehearsal phase and the after-concert party – is always a highlight for me, musically as well. As for the social part, music trips, the last one was to the Heilbronner Hütte, and invitations to music festivals are high on the list.

What is special about the Rohrbach Music Association?

The special thing, from my perspective, is the interaction between young and old. Music connects and fosters long-lasting friendships. I also find it exciting to feel the shared ambition before a performance.

How did you join the club?

I have been playing an instrument since elementary school, and a club accelerates and facilitates practice in addition to music school. Since both my brother and sister are or were also part of the club, it was a logical step for me.

Do you accept new members? If so, what should they bring with them?

Yes, new members are always welcome.

They should have a basic motivation to attend weekly rehearsals, enjoy making music together, and like meeting new people 😊. And of course, the person should play an instrument (or want to learn one). For our “young” newcomers, there is also a junior band and a youth music group.

Where and as what do you work?

I have been working for the company Meusburger (tool and mold making) in project and process management for about 5 years.

How do you balance club and job?

For me, club and job are mostly well balanced. And if you can’t make it sometimes, that’s not a problem. The time investment is also manageable, we are not a professional but a hobby club.

Photo (c)provided by MV Rohrbach

Do you also want to make music in a group like Julia?

Find out more about the club on the MV Rohrbach website or on the club’s Instagram channel.

Logo MV Rohrbach

What other opportunities are there to actively spend your free time?

In this ➡️blog post, you can find more ideas.

Hände auf einem Baum Where can I meet people in Vorarlberg?

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