Crime dinner
Netzwerktreffen Bregenz

An exclusive chance for career planning offered the already 9th CHANCENLAND VORARLBERG “Netzwerktreffen” for students and companies on 22.12.2022 in the workshop stage of Kongresskultur Bregenz. After the corona-induced two-year break, the interest in the unusual event format was all the greater: around 150 students and representatives of 23 Vorarlberg companies took part in the pre-Christmas network meeting, which has now become a tradition.

Special setting makes it easier to establish contacts

The annual Netzwerktreffen in Bregenz uniquely brings together top companies – from major international corporations to SMEs – as well as technology and business students from various fields of study from and outside the region. Its special design sets it apart from conventional career events: In a relaxed atmosphere, information is provided about the successful local economy, the diverse corporate landscape and its rich career opportunities. The companies represented present the wide range of industries in the state. From packers and mechanical engineers to electronics and app developers, everything is regularly on hand. What’s more, the networking event reinvents itself every year and makes it easier to network and make contacts thanks to its playful approach.

Pure thrills at the “Crime Dinner”

The annually changing event motto ensures fun, excitement and lots of action. This year, everything revolved around the theme of the detective story. After the joint “culinario mortale”, the participants had to actively participate in the interactive crime rally. The task of the students, alias Top Agents, was to solve the crime cases individually defined by the companies. They cracked codes, investigated clues, solved bank robberies and broke out of escape rooms. The event mottoes open up a wide range of design options and bring the students into contact with the company representatives and the companies’ activities and products in a creative way.

Effectively communicating career opportunities

“The Netzwerktreffen offers students a great deal of added value, as they get to know HR managers and, in some cases, managing directors personally and exchange ideas with technicians from the companies. This gives the students a good first-hand insight, tells them about the broad career opportunities in the region and gives them a direct contact within the companies,” WISTO Managing Director Jimmy Heinzl is convinced. “Vorarlberg urgently needs skilled workers – we are making a contribution to this. We often receive positive feedback that companies have been able to attract students for an internship or final theses in the course of the network meetings. This increases the chances that they will return or move to the region permanently after graduation.”

Curiosity about 23 companies

In one-minute short presentations by the companies, there were crisp and entertaining insights into the “spy teams” (employees), “crime scenes” (company locations) “, “investigation methods” (company activities), “training areas for spies” (job opportunities), “undercover” benefits and “opportunities for advancement to professional detective” (further training opportunities) as well as other special facts from the companies. “We are pleased that this offer was so well received again this year on the part of the companies as well as on the part of the students,” said Heinzl.

“SCALE-UP” – Expansion of the range of services

The initiative CHANCENLAND VORARLBERG was launched 12 years ago. The goal was and is to communicate Vorarlberg as an attractive place to live and pursue a career and to support companies in the supra-regional recruitment of technical specialists with a MINT focus. Now, as part of a “scale-up”, the offer will be strengthened in the area of recruiting supra-regional students and communication (incl. advertising line) as well as supplemented by an info point for immigration topics and the proactive recruitment of high potentials. For an even stronger joint implementation of the CHANCENLAND VORARLBERG measures, there is also the possibility of a platform partnership since 2020.

Participating companies

Alpla Werke Alwin Lehner , Bachmann electronic, Bertsch Foodtec, BHM INGENIEURE, Collini, Doppelmayr Seilbahnen, Dorner Electronic, Fusonic, Gantner Electronic, Gebrüder Weiss, Getzner Textil, Grass, Hirschmann Automotive, Hypo Vorarlberg Bank, illwerke vkw, IMA Schelling, Julius Blum, Künz, Liebherr-Werk Nenzing, Meusburger Georg, OMICRON electronics, Rhomberg Bau and Zumtobel Group.

Thanks to our sponsors

Special thanks to our sponsors. The winners were very happy about the prizes from Escaperoom Vorarlberg – Hohenems and about the vouchers from the Deadly Dinner at Thüringerberg.

(c) Matthias Rhomberg | Alexandra Folie, WISTO

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