Initial steps for your start in Vorarlberg
You are planning to move to Vorarlberg and want to settle down? Then you’ve come to the right place!

A job that enthuses you, a company that promotes your talents and a quality of life that you never want to do without again – Vorarlberg has an above-average standard of living and a unique quality of life. That is why it is definitely worth moving here!

Newbie Q&A

We support you in all matters that are important for a successful start in your new job as well as settling into your professional and personal life.

Also companies that recruit employees from abroad and have questions about first level support, residence permits, community building and similar are very welcome to contact us with their concerns.

Expat Stories

Check out our inspiring short videos from expats who already live and work in Vorarlberg. You’ll learn what motivated them to move to Vorarlberg, what helped them settle in and what tips they have for new expats.

Contact us!

Questions? The CHANCENLAND VORARLBERG team is happy to help you with your questions about administrative matters, your move and your initial steps in Vorarlberg.
+43 5572 552 52 0

Planning to move here? Check out our brochure.

What it requires and what you need to know can be found in our brochure “WORKING & LIVING IN VORARLBERG” – check it out
You would like some printed brochures? Contact us at!

Download the brochure in Spanish & English.

Must Haves

Here we have summarized the most important points for you:


It’s best to always take along all documents in the original:
Passport, birth certificate, marriage certificate, driver’s license, car registration, insurance certificates, school certificates and diplomas.

Residence Permit

EU and EEA citizens are allowed to live in Austria for up to three months with a valid passport or ID card and do not need an additional work permit.
For a longer stay, a registration certificate must be applied for at the Bezirkshauptmannschaft (district administration) within four months.

Third-country nationals (non-EU or EEA) who intend to live in Austria for longer than six months need a residence permit and a work permit. more on this

For people from Ukraine there is currently a special arrangement for living and working in Austria. By means of the “Blue Card” it is possible to quickly gain a foothold in the labour market and to begin or continue your studies. more on this 


National Council decided to facilitate work integration. In the future, Ukrainians will be granted free access to the labor market in Austria. This is an important step for easing the bureaucratic effort.


The easiest way to find an apartment is to search online, e.g. on


In Austria it’s mandatory to register your place of residence. Register at the registration office (usually part of the town hall/municipal office) within three days of moving into your new accommodation.


Find an exciting job with the most innovative companies in Vorarlberg. Click here for our job database!

Social security and health care system

As soon as you work full or part time, you are covered by Austrian social insurance. The contributions are automatically deducted from your salary. Austrian social insurance includes health, accident, unemployment and pension insurance.

Open your bank account

In order to receive your salary, pay the rent and carry out other money transactions, you need an Austrian bank account. You can open one at any local bank. You will need your passport to open an account.

Need to know more?

Find many helpful tips on administrative matters, residence and work permits, recognition of qualifications and more at the Vorarlberg edition of “The Essential Guide to Living and Working in Austria” or at


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